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The Style is lovely, gameplay’s controls are uncritiquable, audio work is good, it's a very fun game I'd love to see more of.

It seems to have the (very) common Godot issue of instancing, particularly that everything freezes once it's instanced its first time, so basically just maybe pre-instance, not sure.

At the 2nd (then 4th) room, there's a lot of lag that makes the game near unplayable, don't know where it's coming from but it seems to decrease with the amount of robots that exist...not sure why.

There are gameplay issues in the game, but they're pretty minor and can get roughly narrowed down to my own skill issues.

Pretty deserved 4.8/5, if you come across this and have a better computer than I do, or it's been updated to patch this, play it! it's fun!

Best of luck, stay euphoric, cheers!

SteelBreaker 3D [Windows PC]